The first SENVIBE Lifelong Learning (LLL) course ‘Environmental & Occupational Noise and Human Vibration Risk Assessment’ was held on 17 and 18 May 2021.
The course included 11 lecturers, with 6 hours of theoretical classes and 2 hours of practical classes.
The course attended 17 trainees.
Lecturing was done online by using Microsoft Teams (see the photos enclosed), while all the material developed was uploaded to the e-SENVIBE platform (see the photos enclosed), where the attendees could access it.
The attended completed the final test through the e-SENVIBE platform, as well, as fill in the Quality Assessment survey through it (see the photo enclosed).
Those who passed the test, got a SENVIBE certificate (see the photo enclosed) as well as the SENVIBE Glossary, which was distributed to them after its publication.