The SENVIBE LLL course ‘Environmental Noise Management’ was held in person in Novi Sad in the building of the General Assembly of Vojvodina on 21 June 2022 (see the photos enclosed). The event was hosted by the Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning and Environmental Protection of the Autonomous Province Vojvodina.
The course included 5 lecturers, consisting of 3 hours of theoretical classes and 1 hour of discussion.
The course was attended by 51 attendees, which mainly originated from the local self-government units. Given the current national needs and this structure of the trainees, a draft of a new SENVIBE publications ‘Guide for the Local Self-government Units – Environmental noise’ (see the photo enclosed) and the leaflet about noise (see the photo enclosed) were published and distributed to the trainees.
Besides this, the attendees could access the lecturing material via the e-SENVIBE platform (see the photos enclosed).
The Certificate of Attendance (see the photo attached) and the SENVIBE Glossary were distributed to them, as well.